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From the commercial blocks of downtown to quiet residential neighborhoods with narrow streets and the shade of majestic full grown trees, our historic buildings connect us to the past.

They're not just artifacts or museum pieces, though. Most of them still function for us as part of our day to day life.

In order to preserve the past while maintaining use for the present, state, local, and federal government authorities have developed many ways for your historic property to be recognized, and many ways to help recover the costs involved in caring for and preserving these connections to our shared past.

I am pleased to offer assistance evaluating, qualifying, and certifying your historic property for national and state registers, as well as available tax credits.

I'm also available to help those looking for a place to begin. If you need to locate period furnishings, period fixtures, or replicas, I can help. If you need some 'forensic' assistance figuring out what's original under all the 'improvements', give me a call.

Site surveys, and CAD drawings are available for an additional fee.

Services are available throughout eastern South Dakota, northwest Iowa, northeast Nebraska, and southwest Minnesota.

Rich Jensen
Preservation Consultant
Dakota Preservation


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